Hobnock Road, Essington
- Type: Development Site
- Size: 300sqm
- Status: Sold
- Location: Hobnock Road, EsssingtonView map
- Outline Planning Permission
- 300sqm of retail space
- Offers invited
- Call us on 01902 710999
- Make an enquiry
Full Property Description
The site is located on the edge of Essington, a village in South Staffordshire approximately 4 miles from Wolverhampton and 4 miles to Walsall.
Access to the national motorway network can be gained at Junction 10A of the M6 and Junction 1 M54 motorway which is approximately 4km from the site.
The site extends to approximately 0.2 acre and forms part of a larger housing development being constructed by Bovis Homes. The Bovis Homes development comprises 230 houses are currently under construction and sales are proceeding well.
The land is identified for a local convenience store with the capacity to accommodate a store of 300sqm plus occupies a prominent frontage site.
Land is available for a car park if required.
The site lies within the jurisdiction of South Staffordshire District Council. Reserved matters planning approval was granted on 20th December 2018 for the erection of 230 dwellings with ancillary parking, private amenity space, site infrastructure and landscaping. This followed an approved outline application ref: 16/00487/OUT.
We are advised that service connections with adequate capacity will be available at the edge of the site.
The freehold interest in the whole is for sale as one lot with vacant possession upon completion.
Please note that our clients will sell the land with a covenant limiting use of the land to planning use class A1 (Shops) for use as a convenience store.
Offers are invited. VAT will be charged.
Each party will bear their own legal costs in the transaction.
If you require access to the site, then please contact the sole agents.
Further information is available from Chontell Buchanan on 01902 71099 or email chontell@firstcity.co.uk, please quote reference 4685.